
The NVRRA has several classes of membership:

  • Senior (full) membership grants full access to the club following a probationary period. Application fee is $20.
  • Associate membership, for those who can only attend a few times a year (for instance, someone who lives outside the area). Application fee is $20.

How to become a Senior member:

  • Fill out an application and submit the application and fee of $20.
  • Attend six meetings at the club, including at least one business meeting. This is the trial period. The application is posted in the layout room so member sign offs of the attended meetings can be recorded.
  • Upon successful completion of the trial period, the membership will vote to admit the applicant at the next business meeting.
  • Serve a six month probationary period, after which the new Senior member will receive their layout room key.

How to become an Associate member:

  • Fill out an application and submit the application and fee of $20.
  • The Associate Applicant trial period will consist of having their name read into two consecutive monthly business meetings before being voted on.

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